We are ordinary people, whose lives have been changed by an extraordinary God!
We are ordinary people, whose lives have been changed by an extraordinary God!
We believe children are important and should be included in our services, just as much as the adults. Our most recent kids church videos are included below. You can find the full set on YouTube
Ruth the puppet comes for the first time and looks for her friend Donna. Donna Gadee! Great fun starting to learn the books of the bible, and a lot easier when David provides some rhythm on the cahon
Gordon looks back on everything we covered in Kids Church this year - Namaan, Daniel, Esther and loads about Jesus
Cathy brings a book with no words to Kids Church?
Gordon rounded off our series on parables with a spaghetti quiz.
Janice tells the parable of the rich fool, and how exactly are the elder brothers in Kids Church goes to share out their chocolate inheritance?
Stephen Graham leads Kids Church this week, with a whole collection of lamps and lights!
Kids Church continues looking at parables, with the parable of the Good Samaritan
Kids Church continues looking at parables, with the parable of the Good Samaritan
Janice continues our Kids Church series on the parables with the story of the lost sheep
Janice starts a new series in Kids Church on the parables of Jesus, starting with the sower, acted out by Gordon and Janice
This week Janice continues looking at who Jesus taught and how he taught them. This week we look at how Jesus taught his disciples
Janice tells the story of how Jesus met 2 very different people - Nicodemus and a woman at a well, and shows what Jesus meant when he talked about living water
Lighthouse Church Donaghadee
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